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NPS Best Practices
8 min read

15+ tips to improve your Net Promoter Score

AskNicely Team
September 13, 2024
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In today's hyper-competitive market, customer loyalty is paramount. Loyal customers not only contribute to consistent revenue streams but also serve as brand advocates, driving referrals and amplifying positive word-of-mouth. Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a powerful metric to measure customer loyalty – offering a clear gauge of business growth and customer satisfaction. For service brands serious about building a loyal customer base, they must constantly track and strive to improve their NPS. But how do you actually do that? In this article, we’ll explore the methodology behind NPS, the benefits of a strong NPS, the challenges associated with improving your NPS and of course strategies and tips to improve your score. 

What is a Net Promoter Score (NPS)? 

Net Promoter Score (NPS) serves as a foundational metric for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction within businesses. Essentially, NPS quantifies customer sentiment by asking a single, straightforward question: "How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or colleague?" The response is rated on a scale from 0 to 10, with respondents categorized into three distinct groups based on their scores: promoters (9-10), passives (7-8), and detractors (0-6). Promoters are enthusiastic advocates who are likely to spread positive word-of-mouth, passives are generally satisfied but not particularly enthusiastic, while detractors express dissatisfaction and are at risk of spreading negative sentiment.

Calculating NPS involves subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters, resulting in a score that can range from -100 to +100. This straightforward calculation provides businesses with a clear indication of their overall customer sentiment and loyalty. By understanding the distribution of promoters, passives, and detractors, organizations can pinpoint areas for improvement, prioritize initiatives, and ultimately drive growth and success. 

Start creating your own surveys.

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What can affect your NPS? 

Several factors can significantly impact your Net Promoter Score (NPS), reflecting the complex interplay between customer experiences and business performance. At the forefront are core elements like product quality, customer service, pricing, and the overall customer journey. A seamless and satisfying experience across these touchpoints often leads to higher NPS, as customers are more likely to become promoters and recommend your brand to others.

However, the scope extends beyond the obvious. Employee engagement plays a vital role in your NPS, as motivated and empowered staff are better positioned to deliver exceptional service that resonates with customers. Additionally, factors like timely product updates, responsiveness to customer feedback, and maintaining consistency in delivering positive experiences can significantly influence NPS

Moreover, external factors such as market trends, competitive landscape, and economic conditions can also impact NPS. Changes in consumer behavior or shifts in industry dynamics may affect how customers perceive your brand and its offerings relative to competitors. By staying attuned to these external influences, businesses can proactively adapt their strategies to mitigate potential risks and leverage opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Benefits of a strong NPS

A robust Net Promoter Score (NPS) is not just a metric but a powerful indicator of business success and customer satisfaction. High Net Promoter Scores often correlate with a plethora of benefits that drive sustainable growth and profitability. At its core, a strong NPS signifies a loyal customer base that is not only satisfied with the product or service but also eager to advocate for the brand.

One of the most notable benefits of a high NPS is the organic growth generated through positive word-of-mouth referrals from promoters. These enthusiastic customers serve as brand ambassadors, spreading the word to friends, family, and colleagues, thereby expanding the customer base and driving new customer acquisition.

Plus, businesses with high NPS often enjoy improved profitability and a competitive edge in the market. Strong NPS are correlated with: 

  • Reduced churn: A high NPS indicate satisfied customers who are less likely to switch to competitors, resulting in reduced churn rates. By retaining existing customers, businesses can stabilize revenue streams and minimize the need for costly efforts to replace lost clientele.

  • Increased revenue: Strong NPS typically translates into increased revenue streams as loyal customers not only continue to purchase but also spend more over time. Satisfied customers are more likely to explore additional products or services offered by the brand, leading to higher average transaction values and overall revenue growth. 
  • Improved CLV: Customer lifetime value (CLV) reflects the total revenue a business can expect from a single customer over their entire relationship. With higher Net Promoter Scores, customers are more likely to remain engaged and loyal, resulting in longer customer lifecycles and ultimately higher CLV figures, driving sustained profitability.

  • Lower cost to acquisition: Acquiring new customers can be a costly endeavor, involving expenses related to marketing, sales efforts, and promotions. However, a strong NPS can significantly lower the cost to acquire new customers. Positive word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied customers serve as powerful endorsements, reducing the need for expensive marketing campaigns and enabling more efficient acquisition strategies.

Challenges associated with improving NPS

Improving Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a journey fraught with challenges for businesses aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. One common obstacle involves effectively addressing negative feedback from detractors. Identifying the root causes of dissatisfaction can be complex, requiring thorough analysis and proactive measures to rectify issues and prevent recurrence. Moreover, ensuring consistency in delivering exceptional customer experiences across all touchpoints presents another significant challenge. Discrepancies in service quality or product offerings can undermine efforts to improve NPS, as customers value reliability and coherence in their interactions with a brand.

Detractors, those customers who express dissatisfaction with the brand, pose a considerable threat to NPS improvement efforts. Their negative experiences not only tarnish brand reputation but also increase the likelihood of customer churn. Unresolved issues or grievances can escalate, leading to lost opportunities for retention and potential damage to long-term relationships with customers.

While improving NPS presents its share of challenges, there are numerous strategies and tactics that businesses can employ to overcome these obstacles and drive meaningful change. By addressing negative feedback promptly, identifying areas for improvement, and prioritizing initiatives to enhance the overall customer experience, organizations can pave the way towards achieving higher NPS and fostering greater customer loyalty. 

15 tips to improve your NPS 

Design for actionable insight 

  1. Refine your survey question: Crafting a clear and concise NPS survey question is essential for obtaining accurate feedback. Ensure that the question is easy to understand and directly addresses the customer's likelihood to recommend your product or service. Check out more survey best practices here
  1. Target the right audience: Segment your audience based on relevant criteria such as demographics, purchase behavior, or customer lifecycle stage. Tailoring your NPS surveys to specific customer segments allows for more targeted insights and actionable feedback.

Improve analysis 

  1. Identify trends and patterns: Analyze NPS responses over time to identify recurring themes, patterns, and areas for improvement. Understanding these trends enables businesses to prioritize efforts and implement targeted strategies to address underlying issues.

  2. Benchmark your NPS: Compare your NPS against industry benchmarks and top-performing competitors to gain context and set realistic goals. Benchmarking provides valuable insights into where your organization stands relative to peers and identifies areas for improvement. Check out our NPS benchmark study here.

  3. Close the loop: While addressing detractors is essential for mitigating negative sentiment and preventing customer churn, engaging with passives is equally important. Passives represent a segment of customers who may not be actively dissatisfied but are not fully committed to recommending the product or service. By reaching out to passives, businesses can uncover underlying concerns or areas for improvement that, if addressed effectively, have the potential to convert them into promoters. 

Reach more people

  1. Proactively solicit feedback: Encourage customers to provide feedback by proactively reaching out through various channels such as email, SMS, or in-app notifications. Creating opportunities for feedback increases response rates and ensures a more comprehensive understanding of customer sentiment.

  2. Leverage multiple channels: Meet customers where they are by offering NPS surveys across multiple touchpoints, including email, website pop-ups, and mobile apps. Providing flexibility in survey delivery enhances accessibility and improves response rates.

  3. Send the survey at the right time in the customer journey: Strategically time NPS surveys to coincide with key touchpoints in the customer journey, such as after a purchase, customer support interaction, or product usage. Gathering feedback at relevant touchpoints ensures that responses are timely and reflective of the customer's experience.

Build a customer-centric culture 

  1. Empower employees: Foster a culture where employees are empowered to prioritize customer satisfaction and address customer concerns effectively. Providing training, resources, and autonomy enables employees to deliver exceptional service and drive positive customer experiences.

  2. Focus on product development: Use NPS feedback to inform product development initiatives and prioritize features or enhancements based on customer needs and preferences. Aligning product development efforts with customer feedback ensures that solutions meet market demands and drive customer satisfaction.

  3. Regularly track and communicate progress: Monitor your NPS over time, share results with stakeholders, and celebrate milestones. Regular communication of NPS performance fosters accountability, transparency, and alignment across the organization.

  4. Integrate NPS across departments: Embed NPS as a key performance metric across departments, including marketing, sales, customer service, and product development. Integrating NPS into departmental goals and initiatives ensures a coordinated effort to deliver exceptional customer experiences and drive NPS improvement.
  1. Utilize NPS data for strategic decision making: Leverage NPS data as a valuable source of insights to inform strategic decision-making processes at all levels of the organization. Analyzing NPS trends, customer feedback, and demographic insights provides actionable intelligence that can guide product development, marketing campaigns, customer service initiatives, and resource allocation.

  2. Continuously seek improvement: Embrace a culture of continuous improvement by treating NPS as a dynamic metric that evolves over time. Regularly monitor NPS, analyze feedback, and identify opportunities for enhancement to ensure ongoing progress. By committing to continuous improvement, businesses demonstrate agility, responsiveness, and a dedication to delivering exceptional experiences that exceed customer expectations and drive long-term success.
  3. Utilize technology for automation and scalability: Leverage software solutions and automation tools to streamline NPS survey distribution, data collection, and analysis processes. Implementing technology-driven approaches not only increases efficiency but also allows for scalability, enabling businesses to collect feedback from a larger audience and derive actionable insights more effectively.

How can AskNicely help?

At AskNicely, we understand the importance of cultivating strong customer relationships and driving continuous improvement in NPS. Our frontline platform is designed to streamline the process of collecting customer feedback and empowering teams to measure and improve NPS every day. 

Trusted by organizations of all sizes across industries and regions, AskNicely offers a suite of features tailored to support the tips shared above. You can read more about organizations that love AskNicely here. 

A few AskNicely features that can help you boost your NPS include: 

  • AskNicelyTV: With AskNicelyTV, teams can gamify customer service by providing a real-time dashboard displaying up-to-date NPS. This enables individuals and teams to track their performance, identify areas for improvement, and receive feedback in real-time, fostering a culture of accountability and excellence.

  • Multichannel: AskNicely also facilitates reaching customers through multiple channels with customizable email, web, and SMS surveys, ensuring accessibility and maximizing response rates. Additionally, AskNicely integrates seamlessly with CRM and business intelligence tools, allowing businesses to identify trends and patterns in customer feedback and derive actionable insights to drive strategic decision-making.

  • Trend Analysis: AI analyzes every bit of feedback coming in from customer surveys and categorizes it into themes, providing managers with an up-to-the-minute dashboard view of what customers care about and what’s having the biggest impact on NPS. It also suggests emerging themes to start tracking based on real-time customer feedback, so you can stay one step ahead of your customer needs.

  • Closing the Loop: AskNicely's built-in response, escalation, and workflow management tools enable teams to close the loop efficiently by responding to customer feedback promptly. This proactive approach demonstrates a commitment to customer satisfaction, helps resolve issues effectively, and fosters stronger relationships with customers.

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AskNicely Team
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AskNicely Team

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